NCBR Welcome and Info PhD Day

  • 5 October 2023
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
  • Seminar room B11/205, University Campus Bohunice

Get ready to start the new academic year without any problems and ask whatever you need to know about your PhD study! You will learn a lot of helpful information essential for the smooth progress of your studies and you will meet in person with important people who will help you during your studies and with their successful completion.

Mandatory for all 1st to 4th-year PhD candidates in these programs:

  • Biomolecular Chemistry and Bioinformatics
  • Genomics and Proteomics
  • Life Sciences

Even if you are a seasoned 5th-year PhD candidate or beyond, we highly recommend joining us. You will get the inside scoop on state doctoral examinations, dissertation defences and all duties you have been supposed to pass during your study.

Please register below to confirm your participation. Deadline for registration is October 1st, 2023. If you have any questions, you can contact Veronika.


Mgr. Veronika Papoušková, Ph.D.

Department secretary NCBR

Phone: +420 549 49 4615

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