Defence of Dissertation Thesis

The student must meet all requirements for completion of studies before starting a PhD thesis defence. The defence of the dissertation thesis takes place in accordance with the MU Study and examination regulations, sections 31 – 34. The defence of the dissertation thesis is performed in English. It usually takes place on-site (the student must be present in person, the external committee's members/opponents can be present online).

Student submits the Application for PhD thesis defence via IS MUNI with all required annexes at least two months before the planned date of the defence: -> Document Office -> Task submission -> Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Application for PhD thesis defence
The defence takes place no later than one year (usually two/three months) from submitting the application unless prevented from taking place due to severe reasons, of which the candidate must be informed.

Thesis defence committee
The members of the Executive Committee of the Doctoral Board designate a board of experts (Thesis Defence Committee) composed of five and more members - the chairman, members/opponents. Rules of the university and the program require three opponents. At least two (optimally all of them) are not in an employment relationship with Masaryk University; one of them must be from a foreign institution. To strengthen the quality of discussion during defence, opponents of the thesis will also be members of the Examination Committee.
Members/opponents of the Thesis Defence Committee must be of associate professor level and higher; otherwise, they must be approved by the Faculty of Science MUNI's Scientific Board. The Board meets several times a year; a CV must be submitted in advance before the board meeting. Opponents have to submit their reviews at least seven working days prior to the date of defence.

The Defence of the PhD thesis is coordinated by NCBR PhD coordinator and the Office for Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Science.

The defence is given by a 20-minute presentation of the doctoral project results, followed by a discussion clarifying the opponents' comments and questions, further questions from the Examination Committee members, and questions from the audience.

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